Brave Girl Hugging A Horse Cross-Stitch Design Free Download

Floss palette | DMC 6-strand embroidery floss |
Fabric cell size | Aida 14 |
Width | 25cm (9.84in) |
Height | 26.17cm (10.3in) |
Number of colors | 24 |
Fractional crosses | ✔ |
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For printing on a printer (PDF) | ✔ |
Categories | Picture, Horse, Green, White, Black, Friendship |
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Cross stitching has many benefits, such as winding down after a busy and stressful day and creating a relaxing atmosphere. It focuses the mind because it requires you to be mentally present and fully focused on your work. If you like to design and have an image you would like us to make a sewing pattern we create and share free cross stitch designs with you, with all designs approved for use by many users. Just visit our website and upload the image you want, next you can adjust the size and shape of the image and download the final product!
Paying attention is always very good for the mind, especially if it's a task that requires full eye contact. In recent studies, cross-stitching has been proven to help with emotional and cognitive behavior, as well as the social well-being of people. These past years, there has been an increase in the number of clubs and associations completely dedicated to cross stitching that creates a wonderful and loving environment for many enthusiasts and beginners.
The Royal United Hospital Bath conducted a study that concluded that short stitching has neurochemical effects on the brain that reduces stress hormones and increases the sensitivity of serotonin and dopamine, also known as “happy chemicals” because when our body produces them, we feel happier.
These days, horseback riding has been used to deal with cognitive disabilities, such as Down’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and learning or language disabilities. Also, equine therapy is one of the most used to rehabilitate injuries.
There are many reasons why its benefits fit so many situations. It’s a lightweight job that doesn’t require a huge effort and is very thoughtful and enjoyable work; one in which the rider can feel connected to the horse and the surrounding environment. Many passengers report a feeling of peace and happiness at the same time after the day they boarded the ride.
Riding helps with physical strength and stability, it also reduces spasms and improves posture and balance. The rider is required to adapt to the horse’s movements, furthermore, the horse transmits 3D beams that along with the rider, similars the movements that occur when a person walks on the ground.
One of the most common figures in various cultures is the horse symbol. From the straight lines to the real symbol of war, the horse symbol exists in many parts of the world. The main symbols of a horse are courage and freedom. This magnificent animal represents many good qualities such as strength, freedom, and self-confidence, along with dignity, endurance, and victory.
The horse is an important part of history, legends, and legends as he was a friend of the most loyal man in battle. The people revered them almost as the true gods.
Horses can enjoy respect and have a better life than a man because of the good nature, wealth, and power they have brought to them. The loyalty that this animal exudes is one to be proud to have.
Just as the horse helped the men to walk long ago, its spirit helps us to discover the world around us and the universe around us. This wild creature motivates us to move forward, to be successful in our businesses, and to be the best version we can be. When you are anointed, this animal symbolizes your control over your main desires, such as sexual desires. The horse is prone to not having the best conduct, but if tamed, this animal is an example of trust, loyalty, and mature relationships.
According to Native American tradition, this animal was considered a spirit creature. The Native American horse symbols represented freedom and were their military symbols. Nations with many horses also won the wars. The description of the horse was very rich even for those who were very numerous.
A native American blue horse tells of an official from the Oglala Lakota tribe who rescued white people from oppression, even though he had fought against white rulers for over half a century.
The blue horse symbol is born of the first horse that the Indians can catch and ride, was described as a family animal, and gave life to the folk dances.
Native Americans regard this animal as a symbol of mobility, strength, power, and resilience and have great respect for it. In their first encounters, they regarded it as a god, calling it God's Dog or the Great Dog.
The Indians who rode them were believed to have supernatural powers, and it was customary to paint the horse to increase its magical power.
In Japanese culture, People thought of the horse as a spirit animal, a divine being, and believed that the Gods entered the world riding them.
In China, horse mythology, mostly white horses, represented the arrival of the Buddhist sutras for the first time, introducing this religion to those Eastern parts. The spiritual meaning of a horse was considered to be courage, integrity, perseverance, and power.
The Chinese Zodiac symbolizes horses as powerful spirits with a mind and body full of nobleness and faithfulness.
This devoted animal was associated with man in good times and war and was a symbol of justice, a hero who put an end to evil in this world. The people governed by this sign are social and friendly in a moral sense that pushes them to be honest and trustworthy. In Chinese mythology, the creature is portrayed as a half horse and a dragon, with the ability to fly.
The image of a horse's head is rooted in a mythological story about a girl who promised to marry a horse to get her father back from the war. When he returned, the man killed him and the remaining skin flew over, turning her into a silk fetus.
The illustration of the white horse is found in the Bible as a symbol of death. The definition of a black horse is similar to the addition of bad and destructive traits. But the image of the black horse combined with the image of the white horse is a symbol of life and death.
As a positive view, the value of a horse is described in the Bible for courage, speed, dignity, generosity, and vigor. There’s a belief in the book of Revelation that Jesus will return on a white horse, symbolizing His return to execute justice on earth. Furthermore, the animal symbolizes purity and holiness and for the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the red horse symbol carries the founder of war.
The purpose of this energy animal is to help you absorb the energy that is within you. The power influences your vision and helps you join spiritually with the Earth.
The presence of horsepower will deepen your good and dignified feelings, make you deserted, and be difficult to control at times because of the freedom and heroism that instills within yourself. This beautiful and powerful animal flows around those who care about having a healthy body, mind, and soul. It boosts self-esteem and helps with past trauma.
With a horse’s essence, you can connect with your fears and overcome many obstacles, if you experience said feelings in a healthy way.
When housework seems overwhelming adding to the stress or anxiety that exists, the simple task of sewing, regardless of the finished product, allows craftsmen to regain peace. Sewing can help you retain your perceptive powers by keeping you present and engaged. People describe sewing as meditation. The simple task of pulling floss with a cloth, doing the same kind of sewing can give people a sense of well-being. Following the pattern means you have to remember how many qualifications are needed and what guidance they need to do. These small exercises keep your mind healthy and active.
No matter what your mind is, you can be sure that once you start learning the pattern of integration and make it live, your problems will disappear from your mind. This only proves that termination is the right gateway to mental health care and self-care. So choose a pattern that matches your level of experience to start reaping the benefits it brings, you can upload any image you’d like to our website and begin stitching!
Cross stitching pattern for Girl Bonding With A Horse In A Farm. Exclusive drawing of Disabled Girl Hugging a Horse, (C)
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